ProIsmek Login is the vocational training program of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IMM) for adults. Within the scope of the program, anyone over the age of 18 living in Istanbul can receive free training in more than 200 branches.
ProIsmek trainings are held in two periods: weekdays and weekends. Weekday trainings are usually held in the evenings, and weekend trainings are held on Saturdays and Sundays. Training is given at course centers and public education centers in various districts of IMM.
ProIsmek trainings consist of theoretical and practical courses. In theoretical courses, the basic concepts and techniques of the relevant branch are taught. In practical lessons, participants have the opportunity to apply what they have learned.
what is proismek?
ProIsmek is an important program that offers adults living in Istanbul the opportunity to receive vocational training. The program helps participants develop their professional skills and find employment.
proismek login
Visit the proismek login link Then enter sign in, password. Click on the “login” button.
ProIsmek is a professional education program offered by the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IMM) to adults living in Istanbul. The program offers over 200 different courses in a variety of fields, including IT, business, healthcare, and arts and crafts. Courses are free of charge and are open to anyone over the age of 18.
proismek giriş
Proismek Giriş, translated as “Getting Started with Proismek,” is the foundational stage where newcomers acquaint themselves with the Proismek world. It involves understanding the principles, techniques, and equipment required to partake in Proismek activities.
Personel Kullanıcı Girişi
Personnel user login is a feature that allows instructors who provide training at ProIsmek and administrators of course centers to access the system. To log in as a staff user, you can follow the steps below: Open ProIsmek’s website. Click on the “Staff User Login” link. On the page that opens, enter your TR ID number and password. Click on the “Login” button.
proismek kayıt
To register to ProIsmek, you must fill out the application form on the IMM’s website or mobile application. In the application form, information such as your personal information, education level and work experience is asked.
ProIsmek Login Ekranı
ProIsmek login screen is the screen used to log in to ProIsmek. On this screen, you can log in to the system by entering your username and password information.
Enstitü İstanbul İsmek Portal – ProIsmek
The login system for the Enstitü Istanbul SMEK Registration Platform has been updated. You can now use the IMM Portal Login System or Istanbul to sign up for the trainings.
ProIsmek Enstitü İstanbul İSMEK
ProIsmek trainings are held in two periods: weekdays and weekends. Weekday trainings are usually held in the evenings, and weekend trainings are held on Saturdays and Sundays.
ProIsmek and Institute Istanbul İSMEK are two different training programs offered by Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality. While ProIsmek is a vocational training program for adults, Institute Istanbul İSMEK is a non-formal training program for individuals of all ages.