helsenorge login
Click on the helsenorge login page:https://www.helsenorge.no/en/personvern-og-nettsikkerhet/logging-in-to-helsenorge/.next,Enter Username & Password.then,Click on “login”button.
helsenorge app
Easier and faster access to Helsenorge Now it is easier than ever to log in to Helsenorge.
helsenorge koronapass
The COVID-19 certificate gives you an overview of the COVID-19 vaccinations which have been registered for you, and of the COVID-19 tests you have had.
helsenorge kontakt
If your request concerns booking, reimbursement or coverage of travel, contact Patient Travel.
helsenorge vaksine
Vaccines and vaccination. When we get vaccines, our immune system is activated without us getting sick.
helsenorge fastlege
About General Practitioner (GP) (“Fastlege”). This information is displayed for all those who have a General Practitioner.
helsenorge prøvesvar
When you contact the health and care services in your municipality via Helsenorge, you will receive a reply from them in your inbox.
helsenorge koronatest
If you need a corona test as documentation in the corona certificate, you must pay for this yourself. You do not need to register a self-test.
helsenorge innreise
The travel-restrictions upon entry into Norway have been lifted. The same rules as prior to the corona pandemic now apply.