In the digital age, employee performance management has evolved significantly, with various systems developed to streamline processes and enhance productivity. One such system is Ekinerja, a platform designed for civil servants in Indonesia to manage their performance evaluations effectively. This article delves into the intricacies of the Ekinerja login process, its features, benefits, and the overall significance of this system in enhancing public service performance.
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!What is ekinerja?
EKinerja is an employee performance information system developed by the State Civil Service Agency (BKN) to improve the performance of civil servants (PNS). This system has been implemented in all government agencies since 2022.
ekinerja login
Open the e-Kinerja website Enter your employee identification number (NIP). Enter your password. Klik tombol “Login”.
ekinerja sidoarjo
E-Kinerja Sidoarjo is an employee performance management application within the Sidoarjo Regency Government based on Permenpan RB number 6 of 2022 concerning performance management of ASN employees.
ekinerja sidoarjo
E-Kinerja Sidoarjo is an employee performance management application within the Sidoarjo Regency Government based on Permenpan RB number 6 of 2022 concerning performance management of ASN employees. This application was developed by the Sidoarjo Regency Communication and Information Service. This application has been used by all civil servants within the Sidoarjo Regency Government since 2023.
ekinerja dki
Ekinerja is a system that allows operators and admins to log in and set validators each month.
ekinerja muba
EKinerja Muba is an employee performance management application within the Musi Banyuasin Regency Government based on Permenpan RB number 6 of 2022 concerning performance management of ASN employees.
ekinerja pupr
E-Kinerja is an application used to evaluate the performance of civil servants (ASN). It is also used to monitor the performance of employees in the Ministry of Public Works and Housing (PUPR).
ekinerja sukoharjo
EKinerja Sukoharjo is an employee performance management application within the Sukoharjo Regency Government based on Permenpan RB number 6 of 2022 concerning performance management of ASN employees.
ekinerja nganjuk
E-Kinerja is a program for functional positions in Nganjuk Regency. In 2023, the program was introduced to functional positions.
ekinerja kab tegal
The e-Kinerja application can be accessed at Users can log in using SSO to access various applications.