How To Login

How To Login

The Punjab School Education Department (SED) manages public school education across the province of Punjab in Pakistan. The department recently launched a centralized online portal for human resource management and faculty information at This new HR portal and website provide valuable resources and information access for education administrators, teachers, and staff.

WHat is

Punjab Schools Education Department Human Resource Management Information System (SEDHRMIS) located at is an essential online portal for managing and accessing key human resources data and services related to the Punjab school system. Understanding proper login methods and leveraging available features optimizes the experience for teachers, administrators and authorized users alike. This article provides an overview of SEDHRMIS, including how to login, key capabilities, applicant/employee self-services and tips for new users.

Overview of SEDHRMIS Punjab Schools Portal

The SEDHRMIS portal represents the Punjab School Education Department’s centralized system for human capital management and information dissemination across provincial schools. First launched in October 2017, the platform was developed to transition largely paper-based, manual HR processes to automated online systems – driving efficiency, transparency and informed decision making.

Key functional areas covered within the system include:

  • Teacher recruitment and hiring
  • Transfer/posting management
  • Training and development
  • Performance evaluation
  • Retirement and pension processing
  • Employee self-services
  • Attendance monitoring
  • Policy and communications
  • Reporting and analytics

By housing authoritative province-wide data on school teachers and staff in one location, while providing process automation – the SEDHRMIS portal delivers significant administrative and cost optimization. All users however depend on secured access via proper login methods.

SEDHRMIS Login and Account Access

To access the various tools and modules within the portal, authorized users across the Punjab Schools Education Department must login using designated account credentials.

During onboarding, newly recruited teachers and employees are provided with a unique ID and password. Additionally, returning staff utilizing the previous PERMIS system were migrated over with login details which still apply.

To sign in, users visit the SEDHRMIS login page and simply input their ID and password before clicking the login button. Successfully authenticated users are presented with the main dashboard and can access permitted modules, self-services and information based on their role – whether teacher, administrator, or autrehiorized departmental user.

The login credentials not only verify identity but determine visibility into certain data, tools and capabilities within the system.

Overview of Key SEDHRMIS Features and Modules

Once logged into an account on, numerous resources and self-service functions become available based on designated user permissions across modules like:

For Teachers

  • Profile Management
  • Transfer/Posting Requests
  • Leave & Attendance Updates
  • Payroll/Pension Details
  • Trainings & Development
  • Communications & Alerts

For Administrators

  • Recruitment/Posting Management
  • Policy Administration
  • Training & Development Oversight
  • Performance Evaluation
  • District/School Reporting & Analytics

The system aims to provide automation around frequent administrative burdens while also offering self-service empowerment. Teachers and staff play a key role managing their own data and processes with accountability.

Applicant/Employee Self Services

A major emphasis within SEDHRMIS at is self-service capabilities for applicants, teachers and non-teaching staff. Key examples include:

Application Status Tracking Job applicants can log in to track where they stand from screening to selection, with visibility into current status.

Profile & Documentation Management Employees can update personal information, contact details, educational credentials and upload/manage important documents like national ID card, employment contracts etc.

Transfer/Posting Requests Teachers can input applications for desired school transfers or postings for consideration by administrators. Systematizes manual paper requests.

Leave Applications
Allows applying for or tracking various leave types digitally through the portal. Get notified on approval/denial.

Training Application Browse and apply for professional development opportunities and track nomination status.

Empowering individuals to handle their own recurring needs directly reduces administrative workload.

Tips for New SEDHRMIS Users

As teachers, staff and other officials begin accessing the SEDHRMIS portal at, the following tips are helpful to unlock full value:

  • Take time to explore all available modules, self-services and capabilities based on your user type after login.
  • Edit profile details like contacts, documentation and banking information to stay current across the system.
  • Configure SMS and email notification alerts for transfer status, leave approvals, payslip availability etc.
  • Leverage self-services proactively for needs like transfers, trainings, attendance updates etc rather than relying on administrators alone.
  • Provide issues/bug feedback to the support team so the portal can continue improving

Properly adopting all the platform offers, both individually and institutionally, requires openness to new technology and processes. However, the gains in productivity, performance and employee empowerment are well worth the effort for the future of Punjab schools.


The Punjab School Education Department’s SEDHRMIS portal signifies an ambitious modernization initiative to unlock better human resource management across provincial schools via process digitization and data centralization. By providing authorized users a single access point at filled with modules, self-services and tools – critical functions can be optimized from recruitment to retirement.

However, proper user login serves as the gateway to unlocking this high potential value. Following the guidance provided on account access, available capabilities mapped to teacher/administrator needs and tips to onboard quickly – SEDHRMIS users and Punjab schools at large are empowered to execute and operate at new heights. login

The login page for the Human Resource Management System (HRMS) in Punjab is at Click Forgot Password to retrieve your password. Click On The “Login” Button. Hrms

The website for the Human Resource Management System (HRMS) in Punjab is Leave

The Leaves Management System by SED is available at It describes the complete leaves process in HRMS. leave application

The Punjab Education Department has made the leave application process online. The Leaves Management System by SED is available at sis

SIS (School Information System) is a software used by public schools in Punjab to report data on registered students. The School Information Department (SED) uses the SIS mobile app to collect real-time data. transfer 2023

The Higher Education Department of the Government of the Punjab also has a general announcement of transfer for 2023.

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